Ditch the 2x2 Graph Format In Investors Decks
How to win investors’ respect by respecting the competitors slide.
Tackling the Big "Why Not" in Investor Pitches
How to win more investment pitches by proactively addressing the risk factors on why not to invest.
How to Structure Your B2C / SMB Growth Team
The full guide to structuring a B2C or SMB Growth teams, with explanations on when to hire, from where, and what characteristics will win the game.
High-Impact Startups Will Focus on Everyday Lives
A Few thoughts about high-impact startups and Israel’s strength at building B2C & SMB startups.
Maximizing Success for B2C and SMB Startups: The Importance of Quick Iterations
Quick iterations and short feedback loops are essential elements of an optimal go-to-market strategy. This approach involves testing and refining the product or service early and often, using customer feedback to improve the offering.
Why B2C and SMB Startups will Rule in Coming Years
The next few years will show the 2.0 era of B2C and SMB companies, and we at On Ventures are here to back it.